Not Göring, It Was Never Göring. Goebbels Neither.

PhotobucketPhotobucket-- --“Uninquisitive, completely myopic in her understanding of the legacy or her heraldry, the Queen is merely poorly educated and a Philistine.”Photobucket
No paradise will entice you out of your barbed wire entanglement!”Photobucket -- “That's for damned sure! Barbed wire is barbed wire! I know what I'm up against.... No rose without a thorn!”Photobucket“...And the last thing I'll stand for is ideas to get the better of me! I know that rubbish from [before]..., fraternity, equality, freedom... beauty and dignity! You gotta use the right bait to hook 'em.”Photobucket“...And then, when you're right in the middle of a parlay they say: ‘Hands up!’ You're disarmed by those [liberal] voting swine! — No, let 'em keep their good distance with their whole ideological kettle of fish.”Photobucket “...I shoot with live ammunition! When I hear the word culture, I release the safety on my Browning!"
Photobucket--“When I hear the word culture, I grab my revolver.”Photobucket
--"Whenever I hear the word culture, I bring out my checkbook."Photobucket"Some years ago—some horrible years ago—the Nazis used to take out a pistol instead of a checkbook."
