Fitfull Un-Realization of the Limits of Force of Planetary Gravity

-or- This is How We Learned to Walk on the Moon.PhotobucketI have more zest than a boat pushing the sea aside, because it pushes it evenly.
PhotobucketI enjoy spasmodically.
As if the sun would be put out and be born again.

PhotobucketFor this is worth getting addicted.
To be able to be dragged out,
to be whipped as a kind of Christ.

PhotobucketBut engineers who made the paw to the bridge, the girders,
don’t remain in history.
They lack spasmodicality.

PhotobucketIf my car would be thrown from the bridge over Loire,
or at least would be finely shaken,
I’d remember it.

PhotobucketThe hand’s move is always the first one.
PhotobucketAnd the opening of your little mouth:
yours, yours, yours, is always the first thing, no matter the age.
