Remembering, Memory, Remember, ...Forgetting

A great man once said-
"Does the fact that I'm trying to do it do it for you?"

I rarely utilize this as a record of events in my life any more- now is a time that I will do so.
I knew you first when you were Mary Coleraine with an Amelia Earhart fixation, and now you are more than just remembering and forgetting. I care very deeply for you and it is out of my own selfishness that I feel some need to say something to assuage your loss now. I'm no fool. I know that anything I say is just for me; to lessen the sting of my own failure at making things better.
With that in mind, my words here might not be in vain. Time will make this all taste less like hot horse shit, and in the end I will have had nothing to do with it.

I saw the "artist" that recorded this song- couldn't believe. Been saving it for rain, now is rain.

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