In The Sun With A Heavy Heart

Mungo Jerry said that it all happened in the summertime. Nobody took this seriously, the again why should they?
In Mai we were told that there was a beach beneath the pavement, but by June it was merely a phantom; the virtual display of a denial of class distinctions.
By Juneteenth the only thing that still lay beneath the paving stones were the workers.Photobucket
The students had left the war and went on vacation.Photobucket We, as youth, once took a stand for something far bigger than ourselves,Photobucket ...and showed that wouldn't stand for these ideals being derailed.Photobucket Now we politely move into our corrals where we are obediently disobedient. We contest them in the style in which we have been instructed to disagree. In the way that will not offed them as our opwn young are eaten. Photobucket Yessir Messrs. Inglis, Conant, Peabody, and Cubberley, them schools is a workin'; 'twas the boredom done taught us.
Have we sold our teeth for the comfort of pre-chewed food? Our militancy for a free softdrink?
Photobucket A soft voice fluttering down from on high it was said softly "I am here for you, I feel your pain."
Die Heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe shouted back up, defiantly "How can you feel our pain if it is not yours as well?"
Or maybe it was we who shouted those words back at her.
Or maybe she just meant to say "Don't be afraid of death so much as an inadequate life."
Or maybe it just doesn't matter as these words were never listened to. No one ever cared.
Maybe it's the summer sun that is the only thing that matters while it is shining.Photobucket Maybe sometimes underwear and the East River is enough.Photobucket The burden of knowing in the swelter of a humid summer is unbearable in light of the silent hum of the glacial winter.
Summer is here, just listen to this song for proof.

The joy of the summer sun is the very reason...Photobucket With our bloodied noses and battered spines, we still find reason to stand tall and smile.


Juvenal Pop Songs- Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis

Q: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
A: The answer is found somewhere below.



Remembering, Memory, Remember, ...Forgetting

A great man once said-
"Does the fact that I'm trying to do it do it for you?"

I rarely utilize this as a record of events in my life any more- now is a time that I will do so.
I knew you first when you were Mary Coleraine with an Amelia Earhart fixation, and now you are more than just remembering and forgetting. I care very deeply for you and it is out of my own selfishness that I feel some need to say something to assuage your loss now. I'm no fool. I know that anything I say is just for me; to lessen the sting of my own failure at making things better.
With that in mind, my words here might not be in vain. Time will make this all taste less like hot horse shit, and in the end I will have had nothing to do with it.

I saw the "artist" that recorded this song- couldn't believe. Been saving it for rain, now is rain.

"Esse est Percipi" Said the Bishop

..and one more for you Brendan.

Quite Possibly the Most Underrated Man I Know Of

There is really nothing to say. Just watch.

In Case You Forgot What Totally F*cking Crazy Looks Like

If you did forget what BAT-SHIT NUTBALLS looks like, it took the rest of the people on the train a second to recognize it as well. BUT WHEN THEY DID- holy shit this is AMAZING!

You Like Swimming? It's Like Swimming.

"It's not torture, not even close. It nothing worse than what happens when you go swimming. Is going to the beach and swimming torture? far as the falsely contentious issue of its [torture's] constitutionality, that is a non-issue brought up by activists with destructive agendas. The eighth amendment deals with cruel and unusual punishment- inferring a punitive nature to the action. What is going on is not punitive, it's interrogation. The result is not to punish, but to get answers."
This came out of his mouth not his ass.

So you been to school, for a year or two
And you know you've seen it all
In daddy's car
Thinkin' you'll go far
On your five grand stereo braggin' that you know
How the brothers feel cold
And the slums got so much soul
It's time to taste what you most fear
Right Guard will not help you here
Brace yourself, my dear:
It's tough, kid, but it's life
You're a star-belly sneech
You suck like a leach
You want everyone to act like you
Kiss ass while you bitch
So you can get rich
But your boss gets richer off you
Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back
For a bowl of rice a day, you slave for soldiers 'til you starve
Then your head is skewered on a stake
Now you can go where people are one
Now you can go where they get things done
Where people dress in black
Where you'll kiss ass or crack
Where you'll do what you're told
Where the slums got so much soul
